Hiking & Backpacking

DEC Primitive Area Sign

If you want to hike and backpack, there are literally hundreds of marked and unmarked trails crossing our Adirondack Northway, from end to end. Remember in winter months, take all survival gear like food, lighters, fire starters, tarp, line, knife, hatchet, extra socks and sweater, etc., travel in parties of two or more, register at sign in points. It's best to wear a layer of good wool, including a cap, and have a good Gore-Tex water and wind proof parka shell as your final layer. Dress in layers and expect and wind, snow and rain. The ADK, or Adirondack Mountain Club maintains a lot of the trails, especially in the Keene Valley, High Peaks Region.

  • 3 days or less in one place without permit.
  • Parties 10 or more need a permit, or if you plan to stay 3 or more days.
  • Don't camp within 150' of a stream or lake or 100' from a marked trail, unless marked with a DEC plastic tent tag as a campsite.
  • Put fires dead cold out, build a fire ring with rocks.
  • Only use dead and down firewood, no fires above 3000' or in High Peaks Special Zone
  • Carry out what you brought in. Be a good outdoorsperson as always.
  • Don't be afraid to clear out a blocked trail or pick up some extra trash.
  • Carry out or bury deep any organic garbage for sanitary reasons.
  • Here's the official state rules, Click Here.
campfire at night
Some Interesting Links
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Outdoor Page
NYS DEC trail conditions
The Backpacker.com guide to Pottersville - Lake Placid Trail and Siamese Ponds
Adirondack.com Hiking page Trails broken down by counties
Adirondack Forums Discussion BB for Outdoorsmen
AlpineZone.com - The Northeast Guide to Mountain Adventure
Adirondack Journey
Schroon Lake from Mount Severance
Schroon Lake from Mount Severance, an easy starter hike
Participating Establishments

AdirondackNorthway.com : AdirondackNorthway.net : AdkI87.com

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
Visit the 'Daks East to West Via NY Route 28   NY Route 28:  Central Adirondack Trail   NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail
Or South to North Via NY Route 30   NY Route 30.com:  TheAdirondack Trail.com
Or South to North Via NY Route 8   NYRoute8.com  SouthernAdirondackTrail.com
See my weblog, Adirondack Wanderer   A Blog of the Adirondacks
Copyright© 2025 NY Routes.com   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: December 02, 2017.