Exit 31 - Elizabethtown, Westport: NY 9N, US 9. Lake Champlain

Mile Post and Type: 117.4 | Overpass
Major Attractions: There is a big incline between Exits 30 & 31 on I-87
All Night Services: None nearby
Emergency Services: State Trooper Barracks just west of exit
Troopers moved to Exit 32 at new County Jail. Fire and emergency services in Westport.
Location: Town: Westport; County: Essex

Note, the stretch between Exits 30 & 31 has a 1000' foot drop and is the scene of many accidents and freeze-ups, especially on the NB side. August '06, a state trooper was run down and killed by an out of control Canadian truck during a routine traffic stop. On Friday, 11/18/05, there was a freeze up and eight trucks and one car got into a pileup. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured bur the road was closed for almost 18 hours.

exit 31 looking west Exit 31 Looking West Exit 31 Elizabethtown-Westport Map Exit 31 Elizabethtown-Westport Map
Elevation Profile Between Exits 30 & 31 Elevation Profile Between Exits 30 & 31

Participating Establishments
518 Area Code 

TDI Towing & Recovery of NY & VT

All Vehicles Towing & Recovery

265 US Route 11, Champlain NY 12919
Repairs, Towing and Recovery, all vehicles large and small, on or off the Northway from Schroon Lake to the Canadian Border
Welding, logging equipment, heavy truck repair
We come ready to fix or tow anything, even in the woods!
Phone 1: 518-297-5270 | Phone 2: 802-868-5270
Truck and car towing

Frontiertown Gateway - Restaurant/Giftshop/Camping Supplies/Events Venue 4010 Blue Ridge Road, CR 84, North Hudson, NY 12855
This was the old main building of Frontier Town.
Just east of Exit 29 of I-87. Close to Schroon Lake & old Frontier Town.
American food, pizza, Indian and Pakistani Food, Coffee bar
Huge lot for truck parking, Brand new EV charging stations
Phone: 518-532-0600
Frontiertown Gateway

Magic Pines Campground Magic Pines Adirondack Campground 9298 US Route 9, Lewis, NY 12950
(Use Exit 33 for SB, Exit 32 for NB exits off of I-87)
Trailer Storage, Wi-Fi Wireless broadband, Camping, Cabin, 50 amp Electrical Service
Banquet Hall, RV Supplies, pool, basketball court, tenting, cabins
Phone: 518-873-2288 or 833-878-2667 | Email Us

AdirondackNorthway.com : AdirondackNorthway.net : AdkI87.com

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
Visit the 'Daks East to West Via NY Route 28   NY Route 28:  Central Adirondack Trail   NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail
Or South to North Via NY Route 30   NY Route 30.com:  TheAdirondack Trail.com
Or South to North Via NY Route 8   NYRoute8.com  SouthernAdirondackTrail.com
See my weblog, Adirondack Wanderer   A Blog of the Adirondacks
Copyright© 2025 NY Routes.com   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: December 16, 2024.