Outdoor Attractions, Entertainment & Culture

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There are many great attractions in the Adirondacks based on the natural wonders and geological oddities all through the 'Daks,

The Adirondacks is home to all sorts of artists, entertainers, musicians and writers; full-time and seasonal residents. The Hudson River school of oil painting, in the 19th century, was inspired by Adirondack vistas. There are many special camps and colonies devoted to the various arts all throughout the region, as well as art galleries and clubs. Of course, there are many nightclubs and bars that offer rocking live music for Adk partiers too!

  518 Area Code

Natural Stone Bridge & Caves Natural Stone Bridge & Caves 535 Stone Bridge Road, Pottersville, NY
This is the west end of the road that makes
the northbound half of Pottersville's I-87 Exit 26
Explore the caves, includes rock climbing walls, museum, gift shop, playground, picnic areas, Frisbee Challenge disc golf, mining, dino dig
Fun for all ages. Tours and buses welcome.
Phone: 518-494-2283

AdirondackNorthway.com : AdirondackNorthway.net : AdkI87.com

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
Visit the 'Daks East to West Via NY Route 28   NY Route 28:  Central Adirondack Trail   NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail
Or South to North Via NY Route 30   NY Route 30.com:  TheAdirondack Trail.com
Or South to North Via NY Route 8   NYRoute8.com  SouthernAdirondackTrail.com
See my weblog, Adirondack Wanderer   A Blog of the Adirondacks
Copyright© 2025 NY Routes.com   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: August 10, 2021.