Southbound Rest Stops and Parking Areas

The Northway doesn't have any real service areas like the Thruway, where you can get food, coffee and fuel. But it has a few good rest stops that offer vending machines and clean bathrooms. The two newer ones, built just south of Exit 30, called the High Peaks Reception Area, are fairly elaborate and almost worth a stop to check them out. You'll probably have to stop just before the southbound High Peaks Reception Area because our over extended customs agents love to put checkpoints there and cause accidents too!

Mile PostBetween ExitsNameAmenitiesPicture
161.7 Between 42 & 41 Beekmantown Rest Area, "Welcome Center" large parking are, older bathroom set Beekmantown Rest Area
122.7 Just After 32 Lewis Parking Area


No bathrooms, great view, lots of shade. I am really bummed they closed this one too
Lewis SB Parking Area, click for really nice large picture
99 30 & 29 High Peaks SB Welcome Center New, great display area of Adirondack life, vending machines, 24 hour crews, huge parking area. Watch out for road blocks by US Customs north of here! High Peaks Reception Center
82.1 28 & 27 Schroon Lake SB Rest Area


Once was the best rest area on the road. Good picnic area, good view of lake, abstract lawn sculptures
Schroon Lake SB Rest Area, roadside sculpture
66.2 24 & 23 Warrensburg Parking Area No facilities, just some picnic tables but in a nice shady lawn area Bolton Parking Area
53 At Exit 22 Lake George Parking Area It has no facilities, no truck parking or picnic tables, but a great view of Lake George. I's a very uncomfortable and small place. You should get off at Exit 21 if you want to relax a while Lake George Parking Area
40.7 18 & 17 Glens Falls SB Rest Area Good picnic area, Some green area with picnic tables. Okay bathrooms. Last southbound rest AND parking area on the Northway. It is right before the bridge over the Hudson River to Saratoga County Glens Falls SB Rest Area : :

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
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Copyright© 2025 NY   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: November 18, 2024.