Exit 13 - Saratoga South, SPAC, Malta US 9

Exit 13 - Saratoga South, SPAC, Malta US 9 Looking South on US 9 just before the SB Entrance Ramp
Mile Post and Type: MP 24.7 | Underpass
Notes: This is the main exit for accessing most of Saratoga especially SPAC. It's where the Northway crosses under US 9 for the first time. US 9 will now be west of the Northway until Exit 17. It is one of the few 8 ramp cloverleaf interchanges on the Northway.
Major Attractions: SPAC, Racino, downtown Saratoga
All Night Services: Gas, Lodging, Food
Emergency Services: Hospital about 3 miles north
Location: Town: Saratoga; County: Saratoga
Map of Exit 13 Map of Exit 13

Participating Businesses
518 Area Code 

Blue Ridge Falls Campsites in North Hudson Next Level Tumbling & Gymnastics of Saratoga In the Wilton Mall, 1 East of Exit 15 on Route 50.
3065 New York Highway 50, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
Tumbling, Gymnastics and Cheer Lessons for All Ages.
Group and Personal Classes.
Christine has a real passion and gusto for Tumbling, Gymnastics and Cheer.
Phone: 518-369-0113 | Email: Nextlevelgymnastics518@gmail.com
Next Level Tumbling & Gymnastic's Facebook Page

The Farmer's Daughters' Drive-In 882 NY Route 29, Lake Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
6 Miles East of Exits 14/15
Great Ice Cream, Ice Cream Cakes, Burgers, Dogs, Lunch, Dinner, Catering
Open 11 AM to 9 PM, Monday thru Sunday, 7 Days a Week from March to October
Phone: (518) 584-8562
The Farmer's Daughter Drive-In

Saratoga Health Plans Logo Saratoga Health Plans Kandis Paolone, Licensed Insurance Broker
Individual and Small Group Health Plans
Suite 215, 125 High Rock Avenue, Saratoga NY 12866.
Use Exit 15 then West on NY 50 Towards Downtown
518-879-8958  Email Us

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Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
Visit the 'Daks East to West Via NY Route 28   NY Route 28:  Central Adirondack Trail   NY Route 3: The Olympic Trail
Or South to North Via NY Route 30   NY Route 30.com:  TheAdirondack Trail.com
Or South to North Via NY Route 8   NYRoute8.com  SouthernAdirondackTrail.com
See my weblog, Adirondack Wanderer   A Blog of the Adirondacks
Copyright© 2025 NY Routes.com   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: June 22, 2024.