Albany - Colonie including Latham

Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza

Albany is the capital of New York and is one of the oldest cities in America, founded by the Dutch as Fort Orange in 1660. It was a beaver trading post for a long time. Now it is the capital of New York, and thanx to our huge state government, is full of all sorts of state office complexes like the multi-billion dollar marble Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza (GNARESP), the State Office Campus and next to University at Albany (formerly SUNYA) on I-90. There actually is some wilderness area, the Pine Barrens, in Albany, west of Exit 1 on Washington Avenue Extension. The Pine Barrens is known for the Karner butterfly and is an example of the old lake bottom, coastal environment before the last ice age. Basically, it's scrub oak and pine, as you would find near the ocean in the sandy soil. Much of the lower Adirondacks, up to Essex County, is very sandy. Albany County, while being part of the Catskill-Helderberg Mountain region, not the superior Adirondacks, foothills, is full of state forests for hunting, snowshoeing, camping, cross country skiing all through the south western part of the county, like Rensselaerville, Berne, Knox, Weserlo. It is actually very remote in parts of south-west Albany County, with tons of state forest acreage and free hunting zones such as the large Partridge Run WMA.

Colonie is the largest town in New York state in population and takes up the whole northern end of Albany County and Exits 2 through 7 of our Northway. Some of its communities are Latham, Loudonville, Village of Colonie, Karner, Roesselville. It is a crossroads town: between Albany, Watervliet, Cohoes, Troy, Schenectady, and Saratoga County, so it's full of shopping areas like the Latham Traffic Circle. The Northway skirts the Village of Colonie then goes through Latham .The Latham Traffic Circle is east of Exit 6 and is the junction and overpass between NY 2 and US 9. Exit 2 & 4 have Wolf Road and Colonie Center, on Central Avenue, NY 5. Exit 3 was just recently completed 50 years later and offers a better route to Albany International Airport. Colonie is very well off and has an extensive park system and the Albany International Airport at Exits 3 through 5. The Capital Region is also home to a variety of national colleges and universities. You can get a higher education of almost any type here, official and unofficial.

Lake House in Washington Park Lake House in Washington Park

Albany was settled by the Dutch in 1686 as Fort Orange, a beaver trading post in Dutch New Netherlands. This was based on Henry Hudson's voyages up his namesake river for the Dutch. Albany is at the northern end of the navigable waters of the Hudson Estuary. From the Atlantic to the US Army Corps of Engineers Dam, or 101th Street Dam, in Troy, the Hudson is tidal, there is only 7' of vertical drop for over 150 miles. Hudson's Halfmoon and British navy ships could sail the Hudson if they knew the tides, currents and winds. Especially during dry summers low flow days, backtides can be quite extensive during moontides on the Atlantic. During the Revolution, the British were driven out of Albany when us colonials erected an iron chain across the river at West Point, forcing the maritime based British Army to retreat to its base in New York Harbor. These were the key forts that our arch traitor Benedict Arnold tried to betray to the desperate British. If the British had carried the forts and broke the chain, they would have split us colonials in two. This left upstate NY as a land bridge between New England and the rest of the colonies.

Though Albany has tons of Dutch and English colonial history, as well as pre colonial Indian history too, it really blossomed when the Erie Canal, Clinton's Ditch, was built in the 1820's, exploiting the geographic fact that Albany and the Mohawk Valley provides the only way west without climbing mountains. Governer DeWitt Clinton was the man behind the Erie Canal and there are Clinton Streets all over New York State because of that. Then the New York Central's Hudson, Mohawk, Western and Erie Divisions exploited this to become the premier railroad of the 19th and the first half of the 20th Century, providing "water level" service to Chicago from New York City in less than 20 hours on the Empire State Limited and other fast trains. In its time, Albany it was a big rail town, where they had car shops and built engines in West Albany Yards. Then the state built first NY 5, Central Avenue, then the I-90 stretch of the NYS Thruway to utilize this precious Mohawk Pass between the Adirondacks and Appalachian Mountains as the best and flattest route to the west.

Twin Bridges The Famous Twin Bridges on the Northway crossing the Mohawk River that connects Albany to Saratoga counties

Southern rural Albany County, the hilltowns of Berne, Knox, Westerlo, Coeymans, Rensselaerville and Altamont, have plenty of woods and state land on the hilltops. They stand in contrast to the City of Albany and the usual suburban sprawl, like in Colonie and Guilderland. Some parts are just as remote as the Adirondacks. It is served by Albany County's excellent network of county routes and the usual good state highways like NY 32, 85, 443..... Partridge Run game area and Cole Hill State Forest, with XC ski trails, in Berne are totally excellent places. Hunting here is good: the hills are forested and state land usually with working farms in the valleys. This part butts against rural Greene and Schoharie Counties.

Important Angler Note! US Army Corps of Engineers Troy Dam The Hudson River is considered federal tidal waters up to the Troy, or Army Corps of Engineers Dam. To that point, no fishing licenses are requied and the feds enforce all maritime regulations. North, or upstream from the dam, state boating and fishing regs apply! This includes northern Green Island, the whole Mohawk River delta, Cities of Cohoes and Waterford and Lansingburgh, or North Troy.
Hudson RIver from Albany's Corning Preserve Park Hudson RIver from Albany's Corning Preserve Park
That is a passenger train on the swiveling AMTRAK RR bridge

Participating Establishments
Albany County 12205, 12110, 12211, etc Zip518 Area Code

James A  Grumme Auto Sales James A Grumme Auto Sales Used cars, trucks, vans & SUVs for sale for the Glenmont, Selkirk + Ravena area in the Albany Capital Region
759 River Road, Route 144. Between Wempel and Clapper Roads
Glenmont, NY 12077
Phone: 518-434-0484 | Email Us

Monocrete Steps, Inc.
Watervliet Shaker Road, Watervliet, NY 12189
4 miles east on NY 155 from Exit 5
Phone: 518-274-1273 | After 5 PM, Call: 518-283-5749

Precast Concrete Steps, railings & Basment Entrances, Stone Walls And Bulkheads for New &, Existing Home & Commercial Construction

Call the Stepfather for Free Estimates.

Monocrete Steps, Inc.

Albany NY Capital District Home Tutoring Computer, Chemistry, Physics & Math Tutoring in Albany, NY Albany NY Capital District Home Tutoring We serve the students of all ages in the
Capital District with high quality home and group tutoring in basic High School & College Subjects. Phone: 518-320-8505 Email

Albany Buffet 20 Wolf Road, Albany/Colonie NY 12205
Directly Across from Colonie Center between exits 2 & 4
Chinese and Asian Buffet from 11 AM to 10 PM 7 Days a Week Phone: 518-489-8888
Albany Buffet : :

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

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