Northbound Rest Stops and Parking Areas

The Northway doesn't have any real service areas like the Thruway, where you can get hot food, real coffee and fuel. But it has a few good rest stops that offer vending machines and clean bathrooms. Parking areas are just that, maybe a porta-potty but usually just a place to rest for a couple minutes. The two newest ones, built just south of Exit 30 and called the High Peaks Reception Area, are fairly elaborate and almost worth a stop to check them out. You'll probably have to stop just before the southbound High Peaks Reception Area because our over-extended customs agents love to put checkpoints there which can cause fatal accidents!

Mile PostBetween ExitsNameAmenitiesPicture
15.4 9 & 10 Clifton Park Rest Area
Recently rebuilt, offers good bathrooms, a state trooper substation, some vending machines and a big counter manned by the local firm full of all sorts of handbills, maps and pamphlets from local and Adirondack merchants. Lot is very bare and no shade and not very scenic either. Definitely a place you don't want to tarry long in the sun. Clifton Park Rest Area
40.7 17 & 18 Glens Falls Rest Area

Recently re-built in 2019 and re-opened as the Adirondack Welcome Center

Adirondack Welcome Center
64.2 23 & 24 Bolton Parking Area no facilities, just some picnic tables in the shade, a good pullover Bolton Parking Area
82.1 27 & 28 Schroon Lake NB Parking Area The Schroon Lake NB rest area has been reborn as a parking/picnic/text area with some funny looking picnic tables. But hey, it's better than nothing. Schroon Lake NB Parking Area
96.5 29 & 30 High Peaks NB Welcome Center New, great display area of Adirondack life, vending machines, 24 hour crews, worth a stop High Peaks Welcome Center NB
107.0 Just Before 31 Unnamed Moira Parking Area No bathrooms but in the long forgotten past there were. Great view, picnic tables
There was another one directly across the highway on the southbound side. Which made more sense since that was near the top of a very big hill from Exit 31
top of a very big hill from Exit 31
Moira Rest Area
111.6 30 & 31 Elizabethtown Lincoln Pond Rest Area Basic bathroom, picnic facilities, good scenery, Friday, July 31, 2009, no restrooms northbound side Elizabethtown NB Rest Area
122.6 Just Before 32 Lewis Parking Area No bathrooms or trucks, great view, exit of rest area leads to Exit 32 first Lewis NB Parking Area, click for larger picture
146.0 Between 35 &36 Valcour Rest Area Area One of the larger ones, recently redone. Has tourist center and state police substation Valcour Rest Area Area by Matt Wills
By Matt Wills
168.0 Between 41 & 42 Point Au Roche Rest Area bathrooms, large area, has an old fashioned working phone booth Point Au Roche Rest Area : :

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
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Copyright© 2025 NY   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: September 24, 2023.