XC - Cross Country Skiing

Cole Woods aka Crandall Park in Glens Falls
Cole Woods aka Crandall Park in Glens Falls

Cole Woods Road Map, in Glens Falls
This is a great place to ski right off the Norhtway in the city of Glens Falls no less! Though it lacks High Peaks wilderness appeal, it has miles of groomed and lit trails.

XC skiing is the best way to travel in the snow. It's also called Nordic after it's Scandanavian origins. I started in the 70's with waxable wood skis, bamboo poles & 3 pin toe bindings. Today's skis & poles are made of fiberglass or graphite, are non-wax and work well, have "D" type step-in bindings and other space age improvements. Makes me feel old! Let's hope this winter leaves us some good snow base. It is pathetic when Philadelphia and New York City get 3 feet and we have to make do with 3 measely inches (76.2 mm) in the mountains no less.

Cole Woods Skiers
Cole Woods Skiers

Licensed guides, professionals, are there to escort the neophyte into the trackless, snowbound wilderness areas. With -25F temperatures and 10' of snow possible, think pro if you're a novice! They often throw rental skis in with the deal. There is nothing like being in a snow filled spruce forest, on a bright winter afternoon, with only you and your party; just like a beautiful X-Mas card but real.

Caution: Think hypothermia. Wear wool, it will always be warm. Bring back-up sweater, blanket, socks, hat and mitts. Bring some food like candy bars or canned lunch meats: sugar and fats will keep you warm. Carry lighters and fire starters. Carry cell phone and gps, or at least a compass and a topo map. Don't go it alone. More is safer! Bring binding small parts just in case.

NYS DEC trail conditions
A Guide to XC Ski Areas in New York
AlpineZone.com - The Northeast Guide to Mountain Adventure
Burden Lake Country Club Cross Country Skiing

Places to Ski

Along the Northway

  • Exit 17, Moreau Lake State Park
    Just west of Exit 17 in Town of Moreau, Saratoga County
  • Between Exits 18 & 19 in Glens Falls. There is Cole Woods or Crandall Park, with 5 miles of lit and groomed trails open to 10:30 PM. It's all for free, the best deal along the Northway. There is even a trail going UNDER the Northway. Don't miss it!
  • Exit 29, North Hudson
    The town trails in and around old Frontier Town. Pretty easy, but near the Northway. They are also mountain bike trails in warmer weather.

Lake Placid, High Peaks

  • Mount Van Hoevenberg ski trails, Olympic course, about 4 south-east of LP on NY 73.
  • Jack Rabbit Trail from Paul Smiths, via Saranac Lake that sweeps sw around the village to Keene. Get to it off of Whiteface Lodge road.
  • Lake Placid Club. Stay straight when you come to the end of NY 73, at junction of NY 86, Sentinel Ave, in LP village. Go straight through the light a couple blocks up, north. Ski trails are on the golf course.
if anyone knows any more ski trails along or near the Northway, feel free to tell me about it. I'll credit you if you want.
Participating Establishments
Loon Lake 12989 Riparius 12862 Zip 518 Area Code

The Mountaineer of Keene Valley Purveyors of Fine Outdoor and Mountaineering Equipment Since 1975
Webmeister recommended, they're pro!
NY 73, Keene Valley, in the High Peaks
Phone: 518-576-2281
The Mountaineer of Keene Valley

AdirondackNorthway.com : AdirondackNorthway.net : AdkI87.com

Interstate 87: The Adirondack Northway

Note: this Site is run by an itinerant webmaster & Adirondack wanderer who has absolutely no connection to NY State, any departments of transportation , any highway departments or any other agency that has anything to do with the Northway, or any other routes for that matter.
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Copyright© 2025 NY Routes.com   All pics, except for some of the ads, are by webmaster. Last Update: December 02, 2017.